Page 1: A great account of the trampoline clinic in Louisiana starring BOB JUSTICE, one of University of Iowa's best trampolinists. Don't miss the mention of Miss Bertie Hammond who drove a car load of P.E. students from Texas State College for Women. A 300-mile trip each way! Now that's "trampoline fever!"
Page 2: We get a second group shot of Bob and the Louisiana trampoline team.
Another mention of the Nissen Toy Company and its top product the "Hi-Guy"...sure wish we could find one today!
Page 3: A page devoted to the meetings, travels, vacations and busy lives of these industrious Nissen employees.
Besides welder Emil Stuckenschneider, STELLA MINEHART...can truely call herself one of George Nissen's very first employees at the Nissen Trampoline Company. Stella responded to an ad in the local newspaper in 1946 soliciting "ladies with sewing skills," but George offered Stella the job of company secretary instead. She retired some forty years later.
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"Nissen's - - A Great Place to Work!"
"Nissen's - - A Great Place to Work!"
I remember Stella well. She was a cross between your "favorite Aunt" and the nicest elementary school teacher you ever knew. Stella always smiled, seemed to know where to find things on Dad's messy desk and treated everyone as a special friend.